New to Nanacast: Strategy & next steps

Article Details
Article ID: 144
Created On: 31 Mar 2010 07:28 PM


Strategy is pretty difficult to write into documentation because it’s infinite and could fill up volumes.  

Basic strategy is this: 

1. Create your content.

2. Add content as a membership in Nanacast adding episodes (pages) in Nanacast and pasting in HTML content.

3. Set pricing, custom fields you want to capture, and if you are allowing affiliates and commissions.

4. Create sales copy/landing page on your website.

5. Get buy link, button, or form for offer from Nanacast system and paste the line of code into your website html where you want the form button or link to appear.

6. Get login link and paste it on your site where you want to display a login link for your clients to click. 

That is a basic Nanacast hosted membership setup which is the fastest and easiest way to pump out membership sites. A more step-by-step guide for this process can be found here:

Optionally if you have a viral premium account you can:

Set up CNAME on the Edit Listing step, and in your registrar DNS point a domain's or subdomain’s CNAME to Nanacast to cloak our hosted membership. 

There are infinite other strategies... like podcasting, RSS publishing, free plus shipping front end offers leading to continuity either forced or up-sold, etc., upsell funnels, bump and combined continuity offers, etc. 

If you set up a membership and chose to auto add people to your affiliate program for the membership they just purchased you can also use a tag to tell the system to dynamically insert their affiliate link into the content so you can point it out to them and tell them if they are enjoying their subscription and tell others about it they can get paid... this is known as "integration marketing." Its basic affiliate marketing combined with making everyone a potential affiliate. 

If you have no HTML skills I would think that it’s important to have your developer or webmaster watch the videos, view the documentation and tell him/her what you want to accomplish and ask them to figure out how to do it in Nanacast. Your developer may use our support desk as well... 

However, you must first know your own goals... for example, are you wanting to create a membership site and have Nanacast securely deliver your content? Those are things you should discuss with your developer as you line out what your business development goals are. Then s/he can look at how to accomplish those goals with Nanacast after you have clearly set out the objectives of your project.

Additional keywords: newbie, help, start, setup, beginning, create membership