How to set up secure image hosting for checkout page
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Created On:
19 Jan 2011 01:27 AM
Below are step by step instructions on how to use Nanacast to upload and create https secure hosted images
for use when customizing the Nanacast secure checkout page for credit card orders:
If you have ever visited a site that has insecure images or other items included on an https SSL (secure socket layer) secured page then you have likely seen the "this page has insecure and secure items" warning that pops up in most browsers.
Nanacast's secure checkout page is no exception. If you use insecure images or other items on that page you will cause that warning to popup in certain browsers. One way to avoid this is to host your files remotely on any site that has an SSL installed.
you can eliminate this issue completely
and easily
using tools inside of Nanacast
to set up secure hosting for your images.
Here are some tips for being able to use https images with Nanacast for remote images and designs:
1. Add your Amazon s3 hosting account credentials to your Nanacast profile so that you can use Nanacast's built in Amazon s3 integration.
2. In the left menu go to Create > Custom Buttons/Images and then add a new image. You will see a check box option to define the image as an https image for use on secure checkout pages. Upload your image to Amazon s3 using those options in Nanacast.
3. Once you have uploaded your image and it appears in the display list on the Create > Custom Buttons/Images page right click on it and copy the url of the location of that image. If you have checked the https option when you uploaded it you will notice that it is now an https url hosted at Amazon s3 using their SSL.
You can now use those images because they are hosted on a secure server. So just modify all the image paths in your code to point to each image you upload through Nanacast checking the https option.
4. Finally just strip out all your CSS from your remote css file and place it right in the head of your secure checkout page code and call it locally. This way you won't have to find a way to host your CSS file on an SSL site if you do not have one to upload it to.
You can see an example where I have done exactly what I described by clicking on the order page link for
. View the source of that secure order page and you will see that I did exactly as I described above for that secure checkout page and it eliminates all insecure warnings etc because all the content is properly hosted on SSL protected pages. The images remotely and the css and html locally.
Additional Keywords: Checkout Page