How and where download file links appear in membership content to logged in subscribers

Article Details
Article ID: 214
Created On: 08 Mar 2011 06:31 PM


Nanacast provides lots of options in this area:

  1. You can set any episode you want to be the default episode that is shown right when someone logs in. So they are directed to that episode instead of the general menu area. You can use the download links tag on that episode to display all the downloads.

  2. Notice that there are lots of tags available for use in episodes including a tag that links back to the main menu as well as tags for each episode (episode url tag) and episode file url tags. These are individual tags that you can use to create your own hyperlinks to downloads, menus etc. There is lots and lots of flexibility and customization you can do with this feature. Essentially, since you have full control over the HTML in your episodes you can use the tags as the actual url in your HTML for any hyperlinked text or image. 

    Keyword: Download links,