Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO `swsessions` (`sessionid`, `ipaddress`, `lastactivity`, `useragent`, `isloggedin`, `sessiontype`, `typeid`, `dateline`, `status`) VALUES('6bdkmlh61f7wlliak1eu1lk2ch9hllls', '', '1726681825', 'CCBot/2.0 (', '0', '40', '0', '1726681825', '0'); (The table 'swsessions' is full) Nanacast - Powered By Kayako eSupport Setting up an affiliate link redirect script for having your affiliate links on your domain name

Article Details
Article ID: 5
Created On: 23 Mar 2009 07:51 PM

Answer To set up a redirect script for hosting your own affiliate links, create a file called .htaccess and place it in the root directory for your domain name.  Or if an htaccess file already exists on your server then you will want to put these lines in your existing file. 

This must be on a server running apache.

In that file, place either of the following:

# support for nanacast link campaigns
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^go/([0-9]+)/?([0-9]*)/?([0-9]*)/?$$1/$2/$3 [last]


# without support for nanacast link campaigns
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^go/([0-9]+)/?([0-9]*)/?$$1/$2 [last]


1.  "go/" can be any directory that you choose, so long as a directory by that name doesn't already exist on your server
2.  Your affiliates can now use  and that will redirect through, set cookies, and end up at your product sales page

Keywords: Affiliate Link, redirect script, redirect link