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 Creating Membership Pages
Solution Creating Membership Pages

You can either create membership content pages (also called Episodes) from the 2nd step of the Membership Wizard
(see Step 3 of our Membership Quickstart guide here: http://nanacast.com/docs/quickmem)
OR after your membership is already created, you can create a page by clicking the "New Episode" link from the Overview menu of the membership.

Either way, on the New Episode page, you have the following settings:
Send on Day: This sets when the episode appears to subscribers (the number of days from their subscribe date).
Expire on Day: This option allows you to expire content on a specific number of days from a subscribers start date).
Mirror Episode: This option allows you to mirror content from another existing Episode. If you select an episode to mirror, the settings from the selected episode will be used.
Show Only To Subscribers Who Use Coupon Code: This option allows you to provide custom/bonus content from specific subscribers based on the use of a coupon code.
Title: The name/Title of the episode/membership content page.

Content Settings: This is where you can add content using custom HTML/CSS/JavaScript. You'll also find instructions on how to link dynamically to other episodes, broadcasts and other memberships.

URL to File Settings: This is where you can add media files to include in your content (one media file per episode). You can find more instructions on adding media/download files here:

In the Broadcast/Episode Download Files FAQ, you'll find additional instructions on this.

Display/Access Settings: Contains options for how/when the content of the episode/membership content page will be displayed or accessed.

Here you will find the option "Show This Episode As Default Page After Login Or When 'Access The Content' Link is Clicked (memberships only)" which can be used to make a specific episode/membership content page to be the first thing a subscriber sees upon logging into the membership content area.

The Content Icon Button Settings area is used to customize the icons for content when using the default template for Nanacast hosted membership content navigation.

If you create your Membership content page from the New Membership wizard, you'll have an option to Save and Continue to next step, or Cancel and Continue with the Next Step (losing any episode/content settings), or to Save and Create another episode/membership page.
If you create your Membership content page from the "New Episode" link, you'll have a "Save" button to save your work and return to the Overview menu for the Membership offer.

Article Details
Article ID: 286
Created On: 02 Feb 2015 11:11 AM

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