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Support Center » Knowledgebase » No re-bill occurs when a member is marked as subscribed after a credit card issue occurs
 No re-bill occurs when a member is marked as subscribed after a credit card issue occurs

A member was automatically unsubscribed due to credit card issues. After marking them as ‘subscribed’ the re-bill date shows as today, but no re-bill occurs. Why?

Internally, it is already past due billing and won't attempt it anymore unless the member goes in and clicks the link to enter their CC info again, and fills out their info. Our system purges the CC data after the last attempt. The reason it shows today's date is because they were marked as "subscribed" without them updating their CC info. (If they were left as unsubscribed then it wouldn't have shown a next bill date.)

Article Details
Article ID: 56
Created On: 23 Mar 2010 12:09 PM

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