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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Ecommerce Automation » Adding a calculated tax on all orders
 Adding a calculated tax on all orders

From the left menu, click Manage > Sales tax > Edit an existing state, or add a new state

Sales tax is collected based on the location provided by the customer, and must be a match with the location you provide when you set up the tax.

For example, if you set your sales tax to be collected when the country is United Kingdom and the state/province is 'Outside US/Canada/Australia' then you must provide the 'Country' Field and the 'State' field on your form, so that customers from the UK can select 'United Kingdom' for country and 'Outside US/Canada/Australia' for State/Province.

You will find the Country and State fields at the top of the Notifications/Custom Fields page. Click each one to add it to your Active Custom Fields box at the bottom of that page, and then those fields will appear on the form for your offer.

Once those fields appear on your offer form, and the customer selects values that match the Sale Tax you've set up, then the tax will be collected on the offer.

Keywords: Tax, sales tax

Article Details
Article ID: 17
Created On: 19 Mar 2010 11:30 AM

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