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 How to upgrade - downgrade - or cancel a Nanacast account
Solution You can upgrade your account or downgrade your account at any time.

To upgrade:

1. Log in and in the left menu go to My Account > Manage Account Type page.

By clicking the link to upgrade/downgrade, you will be directed to the order page. Select the level you want to upgrade/downgrade to... complete the checkout process for the new level using the same email address as when you originally registered.

To downgrade from Viral Premium to Viral:

1. Log in and in the left menu go to My Account > Manage Account Type page.

By clicking the link to upgrade/downgrade, you will be directed to the order page. Select the level you want to downgrade to... complete the checkout process for the new level using the same email address as when you originally registered.

To cancel a Nanacast Viral or Viral Premium subscription:

1. Login to your Nanacast account and in the left menu click > Purchases and Subscriptions

2. On the purchases and subscriptions page click the cancel link beneath your Nanacast subscription. Your account will be downgraded and your login will remain active at the free affiliate only level.

To completely remove your Nanacast account login and profile:

1. Log in and in the left menu go to My Account > Manage Account Type page.

Click the link to delete your Nanacast account. Warning - this cannot be reversed.

Keywords: Upgrade subscription, Downgrade subscription, Cancel

Article Details
Article ID: 184
Created On: 25 May 2010 11:09 AM

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