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 How do I test my checkout page or sales funnel?

To make a test transaction:
From the main menu, click on My Account >> Profile & Preferences. In the Test Transaction Settings section, you will find a setting called "Credit Card Testing IP".

Enter the IP address of the computer you will do your testing on, and you will be able to make test purchases from your computer or IP address only. This lets you simulate a purchase without needing to charge an actual credit card.

There are further instructions and examples on this topic at the help (?) icon next to this field, but you can really use any 16-digit number starting w/4,5,6:

Enter your current IP address into this field and you will be able to make test credit card purchases from your computer or IP address only.  This lets you simulate the purchase process while testing without needing to charge an actual card.  If you make credit card purchases from your Credit Card Testing IP, the transactions will be submitted in TEST mode so you can actually test out the sales process.  Simply use the fake credit card number: 4444333322221111.  Then when you are done testing you should look up each test transaction and click to 'Mark as Refunded and Unsubscribe'.  (a real refund attempt on a test transaction will always fail).  ALWAYS submit a live transaction to complete your testing before driving live traffic.  Testing is great to make sure your sales funnel is working properly but there is no substitute for a live transaction on a live credit card.

Testing eWAY: you can simulate an approved transaction by making the 'cents' 00, or you can simulate a declined transaction by making the 'cents' greater than 00.  Whatever you make the cents field will be the error code that will be returned. Ex: a price of 10.00 would be approved whereas a price of 10.15 would be declined with error code 15.'

NOTE: Be sure to remove your IP from this field if you want to make an actual test purchase through your merchant account, otherwise your transaction will not actually go through your merchant account.

Live Test Transactions:

While making simulated test transactions are good, making live test transactions is ALWAYS recommended as well. So just set your product prices to say a $1 and run a live test series after your non live tests are done.

While you can make simulated test transactions using the Credit Card Testing IP as described above without providing real merchant account credentials, you will not be able to test live merchant account credit card type transactions unless you have actually added your merchant account gateway info to the system first:

Manage >> Merchant Accounts from the main menu.



Currently sandbox purchases are not supported, there is no method to test the PayPal checkout process without purchasing. If you are using PayPal as a payment method on your offer, you'll need to make a real transaction and refund. Alternately, for just testing the Nanacast checkout process or upsell/downsell funnel, you can temporarily set pricing on the offer to $0.00-- in this case the system will skip the actual PayPal transaction and go through the rest of the checkout process.

Upsell/Downsell Funnels:

Once you make a test client, you can edit the client and then reset the upsell sequence so you can hit the thank you page and see all the upsells again for testing purposes.

This arrangement lets you do tests with real data without actually charging the card.

Keywords: Test purchase, test transaction, checkout page, sales funnel, dummy credit card, fake credit card, test order, upsell, downsell

Article Details
Article ID: 197
Created On: 04 Jan 2011 01:17 PM

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