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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Secure Checkout Page Customization » Compatibility of Nanacast with JavaScript exit popup scripts
 Compatibility of Nanacast with JavaScript exit popup scripts

Exit popup scripts are, by their very nature, intrusive to standards based browser behavior, and we cannot guarantee that any specific third-party exit popup script will be compatible with Nanacast checkout pages pages with Nanacast forms embedded on them.

We do not provide troubleshooting services for third-party scripts. If a specific script is not behaving as you expect it, we recommend you contact the company who created the script your are attempting to use for support.

There is simply no way we could test nor support every third party script. Many third party scripts are just not created to be compatible with advanced systems and scripting like Nanacast.

Specifically the popular exit popup script called "Exit Splash" is not compatible with Nanacast forms and checkout pages. The owner of that script has stated:

"By default, exitsplash disables the exit on all links and forms on the page .. but in some cases,
other scripts interfere with the ES script. There is a way to manually disable links by inserting code."


"Sorry, but it’s nearly impossible to get my ES script to work with every
single platform. It was initially created for simple websites without
complex coding and other scripts."

In other words "Exit Splash" was designed to be used on the most basic of websites. Generally it is used on sales pages or squeeze pages.

If you are having trouble using it on a sales page that has an embedded Nanacast form you can try using a simple Nanacast checkout link hyperlinked with your own order button or text instead.

"Exit Splash" is not compatible with Nanacast secure checkout pages and should NOT be used on them.

Keywords: Pop-up, exit, popin, pop

Article Details
Article ID: 220
Created On: 23 May 2011 04:35 PM

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