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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Affiliate Management » How can I contact all my affiliates appearing in the My Affiliates area?
 How can I contact all my affiliates appearing in the My Affiliates area?

Because Nanacast is an affiliate network, in our Affiliate Center (Affiliate Promotion > Affiliate Center) you'll see at the very bottom that there's an option to either subscribe to all affiliate programs, or to browse affiliate programs to sign up individually.

It is possible that a large number of the affiliates showing in your program have been accumulated via one of these two methods, and as such, may not even be aware of your specific affiliate program. So on the downside, we don't provide the ability to contact these affiliates directly via email, as they have not opted in for such contact. On the upside, if you are looking to screen out unqualified affiliates, we do provide an affiliate approval feature.

Under My Account > Profile & Preferences, there's some options that may be helpful for you in this area. In the Affiliate Program Settings, you could check the option "Don't let prospective affiliates apply to my affiliate program when they browse the affiliate center and click the button to "Apply To All Affiliate Programs". This will filter out any affiliate who are "joining" your affiliate program without specific knowledge of your program.

There's also a setting for approving affiliates, which you can set to "Manually approve affiliates". When this is selected, you will find that new affiliates appearing under Affiliate Manager > My Affiliates will appear in "Pending" status and provide a link to approve. If you don't want to approve them, you can either leave them pending, or delete them.

Finally, you can customize your listing in the Affiliate Center when people are browsing affiliate programs so that if they look at your affiliate program specifically, you can give them information about your affiliate program. In My Account > Profile & Preferences, under Customized Affiliate Center Settings, there is a Customized Affiliate Center Page Settings where you can enter HTML code for the page where your specific affiliate program is listed. Here you can provide information, if desired, that will help you qualify your affiliates.

When it comes to adding affiliates to your affiliate program, there's a couple of methods listed for doing so in the following knowledgebase article:


If you choose method B, then in My Account > Profile & Preferences, under Customized Affiliate Center Settings, this is where you select your free affiliate membership which joining affiliates will automatically be subscribed to.

When an affiliate is subscribed to a free affiliate membership, that is the membership which you can sync with your email list management service to be able to contact the affiliates via email.

Article Details
Article ID: 228
Created On: 05 Oct 2011 11:17 AM

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