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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Create a direct login link to a specific Membership episode page
 Create a direct login link to a specific Membership episode page

Similar to using a default episode, this is a way of using a link to direct clients to a specific episode on login, without first hitting the Purchases/Subscription area.

You could use the following link structure in your Nanacast Thank You pages and Thank You email notifications. Subscribers will still need to provide their email and password.

The link format structure is as follows: http://nanacast.com/me/publisher_id/episode_id

So if your Nanacast publisher account ID were 12345, and the episode ID were 67890, then your link would be http://nanacast.com/me/12345/67890 (not a real link).

In order for this link to work, the episode ID must be a valid episode ID belonging to the publisher account of the publisher ID listed, and the subscriber must be subscribed to the membership for the episode ID being used.

(Currently available for use with a custom membership login only)

Article Details
Article ID: 230
Created On: 01 Nov 2011 03:25 PM

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