Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO `swsessions` (`sessionid`, `ipaddress`, `lastactivity`, `useragent`, `isloggedin`, `sessiontype`, `typeid`, `dateline`, `status`) VALUES('haxigkb414qxokd3kqwnskety6mtvkgi', '', '1729713882', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatibl', '0', '40', '0', '1729713882', '0'); (The table 'swsessions' is full) "Submit Order" button on Secure Checkout page instead of custom button - Powered By Kayako eSupport
23 Oct 2024 
Support Center » Knowledgebase » "Submit Order" button on Secure Checkout page instead of custom button
 "Submit Order" button on Secure Checkout page instead of custom button

Why is a plain HTML "Submit Order" button showing on the secure checkout page for credit card instead of the custom button/image set as the " Selected Buy-It-Now Button " in  Order, Upsell & Content Icon Button Settings?

The secure checkout page uses the https protocol as a secure page. All content on the page must also be secure (using https:// protocol) in order to avoid warning messages for insecure content on a secure page. 

If you create a custom button/image (under Create >> Custom Buttons/Images) and do NOT select the option  "Use https:// in the resulting URL instead of http:// (for UPLOADED images only)" the system will automatically replace the insecure button/image with a plain HTML "Submit Order" button.

edit the custom image and check the option to "Convert this image to use https:// instead of http://", or else create a new version and selecting the "Use https:// in the resulting URL instead of http:// (for UPLOADED images only)" option. 

Article Details
Article ID: 237
Created On: 01 Jun 2012 01:08 PM

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