Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO `swsessions` (`sessionid`, `ipaddress`, `lastactivity`, `useragent`, `isloggedin`, `sessiontype`, `typeid`, `dateline`, `status`) VALUES('mhm65j9l2sgj5jbtx4f6vjdsqauksjfo', '', '1729713882', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatibl', '0', '40', '0', '1729713882', '0'); (The table 'swsessions' is full) Variables passed to a custom thank you page URL - Powered By Kayako eSupport
23 Oct 2024 
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 Variables passed to a custom thank you page URL
Solution While the custom thank-you page URL does use the same names as the API for the variables it does pass, it does NOT pass ALL outbound API variables. The instructions provided below the field for entering a custom thank-you page URL outline which variables are passed. Here is a summary:

- All active custom fields you've set on the Notifications/Custom Fields page, using their corresponding API field name
- The product/podcast/rss feed/membership ID used for the remote API will be passed with the field name "u_list_id"
- Also passed in are the following additional variables (unless the value is empty, in which case it will not be included):
- affiliate_id (This is the client's personal affiliate ID they would use to promote products.)
- affiliate_url (This is the affiliate URL the client would use to promote this exact product.)
- referral_id (The ID of the affiliate that referred the client)
- ip_address (the client's IP)
- referring_url (The URL that the client came from before they signed up.)
- client_id (The ID of the client record when you would look up the client in the admin area)
- u_access_code (This is the client's unique 12-character code that is used to make up their RSS Feed or Podcast URL - Ex:
- Also passed is an array of product IDs that the subscriber has accepted during the sales process including the main product ID and any upsells or downsells they accepted. The array is called "accepted_product_ids" and is passed in in the query string in the format of &accepted_product_ids[]=12345&accepted_product_ids[]=45678
- These fields are also included for backwards compatibility: 
- email (which is the same as u_email)
- name (which is the same as u_firstname)
- list_id (which is the same as u_list_id)

If there are API fields you want to send in addition to the above, you should instead use the outgoing API, as that is the purpose for it.

Article Details
Article ID: 245
Created On: 17 Jan 2013 10:02 AM

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