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 Modifying the affiliate commission amount for future recurring transactions

Modifying the affiliate commission amount for future recurring transactions

To modify the affiliate commission amount for all future clients who are not currently subscribed, simply change the commission amounts in the Affiliate Settings area of the Pricing and Delivery page of your offer.

To modify the affiliate commission amount for future recurring transactions of clients who are already subscribed, you must do so from the individual client record.

You can find current active clients for an offer from the overview menu of an offer… in the Members/Subscribers area, click the “View Active” link.
Alternately, you can search for a specific client by name, email address, client ID, etc. from the main menu under Manage >> Client.

Either way, in the resulting client list, click the ‘Edit’ link by the client name.
In the client record, you will find either a 'Recurring Billing Details" box or a "Recurring Commission Details" box... There, you can edit or remove any commission amount showing in the client record, and save. This is the commission amount that will be applied to any future recurring transactions.

Of course, if there is no affiliate ID set in the client record, no commission should be awarded, regardless of what the commission amount may be set to. Also, if there are no future recurring transactions scheduled, no commission will be awarded, as commissions are attached to transactions.

To modify commissions for existing transactions that have already occurred, see http://support.nanacast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=288

Article Details
Article ID: 291
Created On: 16 Jul 2015 12:49 PM

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