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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Support for product-specific and affiliate-specific commission rate overrides on commission rates
 Support for product-specific and affiliate-specific commission rate overrides on commission rates

You can do that through our "forced" coupons in our coupon system. This is an invisible adjustment that you can make to the pricing and commissions of the product for a specific affiliate. You have the option of leaving price the same and just adjusting the commission level for an affiliate if you like.

Go to  Create > Coupons. Click New Coupon. Select the option "Force Coupon For Visitors Coming From This Affiliate ID" and specify the Affiliate ID of the affiliate for whom you want a different commission amount.

Alternately, if you don't want to tie it to a specific affiliate ID, don't select the "force Coupon" option, and just distribute the coupon codes for the various commission levels to the affiliate you'd like to receive those commission rate, and tell them to have their customers use that code. Of course, in that case, you'll need to provide a coupon code box in the checkout form. To do this, go to the Edit Pricing & Delivery page of the offer and enable the option "Show Gift-Certificate/Coupon Box on Nanacast.com-Hosted Sales Page". If you want to customize the name of the coupon code box, change it on the "Coupon/Gift-Certificate Field Name" field right below.

Keywords: Product Commissions, affiliate commission rates, commissions

Article Details
Article ID: 105
Created On: 26 Mar 2010 11:12 PM

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