Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO `swsessions` (`sessionid`, `ipaddress`, `lastactivity`, `useragent`, `isloggedin`, `sessiontype`, `typeid`, `dateline`, `status`) VALUES('8h4ssgqjw81j9gsi5n45mgudx9751gwd', '', '1729713879', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatibl', '0', '40', '0', '1729713879', '0'); (The table 'swsessions' is full) Setting up Adwords conversion tracking for upsells - Powered By Kayako eSupport
23 Oct 2024 
Support Center » Knowledgebase » Setting up Adwords conversion tracking for upsells
 Setting up Adwords conversion tracking for upsells

This is can be done similar to the method for memberships. Each upsell now has its own block of code you can add that will be inserted into the thank you page if they accept it. You can put your Google code snippet for each upsell there. This code snippet block can also be used to add additional HTML to be displayed on a thank you page when clients accept the offer.

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Article ID: 125
Created On: 29 Mar 2010 02:20 PM

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