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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Sales Funnel Automation » Using the upsell process to offer multiple formats of the same product (book, ebook, CD, etc.) so the client selects only one version of the product
 Using the upsell process to offer multiple formats of the same product (book, ebook, CD, etc.) so the client selects only one version of the product
Solution The system will not cancel orders once they are placed. So to do the upsell process you are talking about you would do it outside the system, before checkout...

I.e. On your sales page offer them one thing... next step offer them another or go to checkout for the first option.

All this would be done in sales/offer pages on your own site and has nothing to do with our upsell system.

Ultimately what I am describing is a decision process you guide them through on your site before you hit our order process. That way when they checkout, they end with one item.

The way that most people use our upsell system is like the following:

Offer digital download > Purchase > offer upsell for the physical version > Another purchase. Hide the physical version listing from the members area and suppress the thank you email for it.

To manage the product multiple formats in Nanacast, you can just add each to a product or membership, using the wizard.

Or if you prefer, add one product or membership and use the copy option when Managing products or memberships and edit the settings for pricing and delivery options.

Additional keywords: shipment, delivery, fulfillment, upsell

Article Details
Article ID: 181
Created On: 12 May 2010 11:38 AM

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