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 Custom integration with Zapier
Solution The following is an example Zapier integration provided by a helpful user.
In this particular example, the trigger is an Unbounce landing page for lead-gen, and using a Zapier Webook URL to make the post to Nanacast incoming API.

Using the Nanacast Outgoing API with Zapier:

For integration with Zapier via the Nanacast outbound API (see http://nanacast.com/docs/outgoing_api.html), the most basic approach would be to use a Zapier static webhook (see  https://zapier.com/developer/reference/#static-webhooks).

Usually, this is done copying a url that Zapier provides during the Zap setup process (like https://zapier.com//hooks/catch/123/n/456789/).

Provide this URL in the Advanced API URL field on the Notifications/Custom Fields page of your offer when you've activated the Advanced API.

When you create your Zap(s), set the trigger as Webhook (catch hook) and set whichever 3rd party app/service and any available action(s) that you want to use as your action.

To send any additional custom data fields aside from what is provided in the outgoing API (per the above API documentation) you can add additional custom fields on the Notifications/Custom Fields page of your offer, set them as the 'Secret Field' type 
(so it does not appear on the Nanacast form for your offer) and supply a default value for the data you're wanting to send.

When you set up your Zap, assuming you want an action for 'subscribe' and 'unsubscribe', set up a filter based on the Nanacast outgoing API 'mode' value. This is because Nanacast sends an API call to every API URL you've set for EVERY subscriber event/mode. Filter each of your 'subscribe' Zaps for mode=add, and each of your 'unsubscribe' Zaps for mode=suspend.

On the 5th step (Create your Subscriber'), for fields like email, and all the other corresponding fields available in the 3rd party service you are sending your Zap action to, supply the Field Name for Advanced API for each Nanacast custom field (examples: u_email, u_firstname, u_custom_5, etc.) that corresponds to the available fields from the 3rd party service you've selected for your action. 

Note: The above information is based on our understanding of 
Zapier and the 3rd party apps/services available on Zapier, and may not be accurate. As we are not experts on Zapier or any of the 3rd party apps/services available on Zapier, we recommend contacting the support resources for Zapier and your 3rd party apps/services of choice for further info and troubleshooting.

Article Details
Article ID: 265
Created On: 25 Oct 2013 02:27 PM

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