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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Membership Site Management » Uploading media files for use in a membership
 Uploading media files for use in a membership

1. On your Nanacast profile and preferences settings, add your Amazon s3 account credentials.

2. Set up your offer as a membership in Nanacast. We recommend setting up all offers as memberships in Nanacast (see membership overview video on How To page.)

3. On the Listing step when creating membership, check option to add download files or podcast.

4. On Pricing and Delivery step, check option to use file security.

5. Create an Episode for each file you want to add, by clicking the New Episode link in the overview menu of your offer. Add all the files you want to protect, one per episode to the membership. This is done in the URL to File Settings section of the episode, where you can enter the URL to your file.

Each episode has an episode file tag and in the additional tags there are numbered episode file tags that can be used in other episodes. See the documentation found in the "Broadcast/Episode Download Files FAQ" section of the edit episode page for detailed instructions on how to link to your files for download.

We recommending using the S3 file manager or by using a free s3 file manager plugin like S3fox for Firefox. Leave your ACL settings to private. Then just copy and paste each s3 file path into the URL to file box when creating an episode. NOTE: See below regarding file and folder name requirements.

As long as you have added your s3 credentials to your profile and done the other steps listed, our system will sense that the file is hosted on s3 via the URL you input and our system will cloak the file with a Nanacast cloaked URL which is locked down with a secret key on our side and locked to the user's IP address and the file will be locked down further with your secret keys from s3.

This means that if someone copies a file URL and sends it to someone on another internet connection (different IP address) or posts the link to a forum etc it will not work. This security works the same in RSS feeds and podcasts created with our system.

Amazon S3 Bucket Name:

The "Bucket" setting in the Amazon S3 Settings area under My Account >> Profile & Preferences is the key to getting your download files to work as expected.

Whatever you have set as the bucket name is the place where you should be putting your files in your Amazon S3 account for Nanacast integration, because that is where Nanacast will be looking at to secure content.

  • If you provide a bucket name, be sure you have created a bucket/folder with that name in your Amazon S3 account. You should put all the media files you wish to secure there.

  • If you provide no bucket name set in your S3 settings, the system will automatically create a 'nanacast.host.XXXXXX' bucket for you in your S3 account, and this is where you should put your media files.

Once you have provided your Amazon S3 credentials and saved, you will find a new menu item under Manage >> Amazon S3 Files.

If you have no files in your bucket, the system will display 'No Files found' in the Manage >> Amazon S3 Files page.
Otherwise, you will see a list of all the files in the bucket, including the path to the file. The path found here is what we recommend using as the URL when added media files to episodes in the URL to File settings.

Amazon S3 Folder and File naming requirements:

Amazon has set some strict file name rules for users of their Simple Storage Service which allow them to manage, support and control millions of files for thousands of S3 users.

The file naming policies mean you have to be very careful with how you name your S3 folders and files (they call them buckets and items, but I'll refer to them as folders and files).

Folder Name Rules

These are the rules that you must follow when creating or uploading folders:

All folders created on Amazon S3 must be unique across the whole of Amazon Web Services (not just your account), and must:

  • consist of only lowercase characters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dots (.), and dashes (-).

  • NOT contain forward slashes (/), back slashes (\), or underscores (_).

  • begin with a letter (a-z) or a number (0-9)

  • be between 3 and 36 characters in length

  • NOT be in the style of an IP address (

  • NOT end with a dash (-) - NOT contain dashes and dots next to each other (".-" or "-.")

If you have used a space, comma, exclamation mark, brackets, ampersand, or any other special character, you will have problems.

File Name Rules

All file names created on Amazon S3 must use:

  • letters

  • numbers

  • underscores

  • dashes

  • NO other punctuation, spaces, or other special characters.

If you see a "+" sign in your Amazon S3-hosted file path (example: http://bucketname.s3.amazonaws.com/this+is+my+file+name.swf), it's because you have left spaces in the file name, which will cause problems.

Even though you may have been able to add file or folder names that do not follow those rules into AmazonS3 directly, their API does not support the use of folders and files with those name structures, so their API will return an invalid path error to us if it is used. This is not something that we can control from Nanacast, because it is the rules that Amazon uses on their system.

We have also found the most success if all files are held in the same bucket/folder.

Also note: S3 URLs should use HTTP and not HTTPS, even if they are listed as https in the AWS/Amazon S3 control panel. We recommend using the URL as displayed under Manage >> Amazon S3 Files.

For hiding S3 source file locations for S3 Videos hosted on Nanacast:

6. Use the episode file tag or additional episode file tags in your HTML code for membership content pages in place of the source URL when putting video embed code in a page. This will work with any player that uses a standard embed where it calls the source video file.

Again, you can use any player that provides direct embed calling the source URL of the video in the HTML embed code. You will need to remotely host your supporting files though (with any swf video player file) if you go that route.

Keywords: Uploading, media files, S3, Amazon, invalid path, invalid URL, digital product

Article Details
Article ID: 48
Created On: 22 Mar 2010 11:45 AM

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