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 Creating multiple membership levels in Nanacast

If you group memberships, you have the option of automatically canceling another membership and replacing it with a new one.


Membership A has 15 episodes.  Copy it to create Membership B and add several additional episodes to it. When done, add B to a group with A and set it to cancel membership A if they buy B.

That way you can have seamless upgrades and if you supply them your general purpose membership login, they can see any membership they have when they login. 

You can do the same with downgrades. 

You could just have a one episode difference between the two... but that is not really what this is designed for: That kind of management could get tedious, since each single episode upgrade would be a separate membership.

It’s better done where upgrades are more like a step up from silver to a gold level.

With our membership grouping, you also have the option of not auto canceling when they grab another membership in the group. 

Keywords: Multiple memberships

Article Details
Article ID: 11
Created On: 19 Mar 2010 11:16 AM

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