Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO `swsessions` (`sessionid`, `ipaddress`, `lastactivity`, `useragent`, `isloggedin`, `sessiontype`, `typeid`, `dateline`, `status`) VALUES('6jkdme07zlu74e2nbborde4ibv4ixe6d', '', '1727995490', 'CCBot/2.0 (', '0', '40', '0', '1727995490', '0'); (The table 'swsessions' is full) Testing Your Affiliate Program After Setup - Powered By Kayako eSupport
03 Oct 2024 
Support Center » Knowledgebase » Technical FAQs » Testing Your Affiliate Program After Setup
 Testing Your Affiliate Program After Setup
Solution We recommend previewing/testing the process yourself as if you were an affiliate, or test with an actual affiliate before launching your affiliate program to the general public. Here's how you might go about testing the affiliate tracking:

1 - Create an offer with "Allow Affiliates" enabled
2 - Add an affiliate to your affiliate program (as described in the following knowledge base article: - You can do this using an alternate email address that you use or create for this purpose.
3 - Get the affiliate link for the offer for the test affiliate. The basic structure of the affiliate link is:
4 - Have a test client click through the affiliate link and then make a test purchase (per

Then, see the following knowledgebase article intended for affiliates:

Article Details
Article ID: 294
Created On: 11 Jan 2017 02:39 PM

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