19 Apr 2024 
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 Giving clients the option to uncheck a subscription to the continuity for a free plus shipping product with a continuity membership
 Using CSS < style > tags, etc. in OTOs to keep a seamless "look" from sales page to thank you page
 Giving free memberships on a paid membership site
 Access errors when hiding all episodes and using a self-hosted HTML home page with episode links for accessing the episodes
 Content not secure warning on Nanancast-hosted pages
 Wordpress integration for Nanacast memberships
 Recommendation for setting up a free one-time product to be combined with recurring membership: Membership vs. Product
 How To: Showing the order total on an order form page
 Including the upsell download pages in one area for easy user access
 Customize or edit the purchases and subscriptions delivery page
 Setting up a bundle so also get a free trial period for a membership when ordering a free product + shipping
 Copying the settings from a membership or a product to make pricing adjustments on the same offer
 Using an image button on a membership/product without extra fields popping up
 Member Lock WP plugin: Support for automatic cancellation of Wordpress access upon no payment and subscription cancellation
 Showing a product description field in the member area
 Integration with Wordpress Wishlist membership plugin
 Member Lock: Accessing the content after subscribing to Member Lock protected membership
 Using CNAME to mask the URL on a Nanacast-hosted upsell page
 Bundling digital or physical product with a membership micro continuity product with a free trial in a single order
 Matching the email address for support in the "edit listing" tab for a product to the email address used to send receipts
 Creating multiple membership levels in Nanacast
 Adding physical products to dripped content
 Wordpress Member Lock plugin: Support multiple membership levels for different products or product versions
 Search feature only allows a search in the last area worked in
 Billing behavior when clients upgrade a grouped membership without cancelling the previous membership
 How and where download file links appear in membership content to logged in subscribers
 Create a direct login link to a specific Membership episode page
 Export / Migrate / Import data from Nanacast accounts
 Cross-linking pages of Nanacast hosted membership content
 Adding a user as an assistant for specific tasks without giving all account access
 Creating membership groups in Nanacast
 Allowing members to login directly to a membership area
 Membership login contains only subscriptions content of the membership, not the publisher account content
 Customization options for memberships in Nanacast
 Creating Membership Pages
 Deleted upsell page still appearing in sales funnel for membership
 Pages for deleted memberships keep appearing in sales funnel after being deleted
 Upselling to a product from a membership where the upsell includes both the product and the membership
 Nanacast hosted membership content delivery vs Nanacast Wordpress integrated membership for content delivery
 Offering bundled products \ upsells \ downsells at different price levels (i.e. discounts)
 Buy button on sales page bringing up an order form pre-populated with someone’s information
 Making a coupon field appear on the order form when using only a text link to the order page from a sales page
 Customizing upsell pages in Nanacast
 PayPal as another payment option not showing up
 Removing the word “free” trial language from the check out field
 Bundling different file formats to be delivered as one product/membership
 Finding Product IDs in Nanacast
 Having customer service reps use Nanacast to perform membership account maintenance
 Delivering more than one bundle of bundled products together
 Support for self-hosted upsell/downsell sales pages with Nanacast-generated buy buttons and decline links
 Password required to show two memberships from the same publisher
 Setting up a cart and affiliate program to offer customized, high-dollar products with an initial deposit and a the balance on the back end
 Dripping content for a micro continuity program with free trial
 Support for social media comments in membership content
 Using Nanacast to create content for both free and paid memberships delivered via Wordpress, with upsell for paid membership on the free one
 Adding clients of one membership program for a 2nd membership program without client re-entering data
 Use of {next_billing_attempt_date} tag
 Capturing prospect info for AWeber in Nanacast and redirecting to an upsell page
 Previewing an upsell page while creating it on the Nanacast server without resubmitting signup info
 Episode ordering in iTunes
 Importing members into a membership without starting them at the beginning of the content delivery schedule
 Differences between Viral and Viral Premium membership
 How many membership sites and separate products can I host with a Nanacast Viral membership?
 Selling a product and add a membership as a free bonus
 Uploading media files for use in a membership
 New to Nanacast: Strategy & next steps
 Setting up CNAME to point to nanacast.com
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